Self Study Resources for the Personality Assessment System

See the PAS tab, the Bibliography and the Resources tabs for online resources.

Suggested Order of Study

  1. The best starting point is the article: The Personality System - A Radical Hypothesis by C. J. Krauskopf.
  2. Paper: "A Brief Explanation of the Personality Assessment System"
  3. A brief description of the PAS Model and A more thorough description of the PAS Model
  4. Paper on the "Origins of the PAS"
  5. Video Course (several hours) with an introduction to the PAS This is an organized, somewhat academic, introduction to the PAS. The presenter, Dr. Bob MacLachlan, is by profession a teacher. He learned the PAS from John Gittinger and through years of clinical experience and teaching which gives him a somewhat different emphasis than John Gittinger. Watching these video lectures and listening to (or reading the transcripts) of the John Gittinger series below are complemntary learning exercises.
  6. Extensive lecture series on the PAS by John Gittinger. There are transcripts that go with all of the lectures except the first one. The transcripts, taken from the audio lectures, have a very readable conversational style, complete with incomplete sentences and so forth. However, they are quite readable for those preferring the speed of reading vs. the time it takes to listen to the lectures. These lectures have many examples of how the PAS applies to life situations that are not found elsewhere.
  7. The Weschler scales and the PAS - how they relate.
  8. Several case studies relating PAS profiles to actual cases
  9. Paper: Discussion of the 64 possible types at the Basic level (after compensation).
  10. The most thorough resource for further study is the book:

    Krauskopf, C. J., & Saunders, D. R. (1994).  Personality and ability: The Personality Assessment System.  Lanham, MD: University Press of America. This book contains a rather complete statement of the theory and supporting research to date.