The criterion for inclusion in this bibliography is specific,
explicit mention of the PAS in the paper, article, or book. We acknowledge
that there are many references in the literature to scatter analysis on the
WAIS and other PAS relevant concepts, but they were not included.
Amolsch, T. J., & Henrichs, T. F. (1975). Behavioral correlates of WAIS profile patterns: An exploratory study. Journal of Personality Assessment, 39, 55-63.Amolsh, T. J. (1978). An Empirical Study of the Personality Correlates of Male and Female WAIS Profile Patterns. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Missouri, Columbia.
Austin, K. P. (1983). An examination of the association of certain personality constructs between the Personality Assessment System and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (Doctoral dissertation, University of Oklahoma). Dissertation Abstracts International, 83, 24872.
Bern, D. J. (1983). Toward a response style theory of persons in situations. Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, 1982, Vol. 30. (University of Nebraska Press, 901 North 17th Street, Lincoln, NE 68588-0520)
Bielefeld, M. O. (1968). Prediction of concept attainment from the PAS (Doctoral dissertation, University of Missouri-Columbia). Dissertation Abstracts International, 29 (8-B), 3077.
Bielefeld, M. O. (1969). Prediction of concept attainment from the PAS. In C. J. Krauskopf & K. G. Davis (Eds.), Studies of the normal personality. JSAS Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology, 3, 85. (Ms. No. 415)
Bielefeld, M. O. (1970, Sept.). Prediction of concept attainment from the PAS. In W. Anderson (Chm.), Practical problems in personality research. Symposium presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Miami Beach.
Burchett, R. W. (1981). WAIS Digit Span performance and Jungian psychological type: A validation of Gittinger’s Externalizer-internalizer construct (Doctoral dissertation, U. S. International University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 42, 1599B.
Burstein, A. G. (1972). Review of the WAIS. In O. K. Buros (Ed.), Seventh Mental Measurements Yearbook (pp. 786-788). Highland Park, NJ, 1599B.
Cartwright, J. L. (1968). A comparison of a generalized and a differential predictor of risk taking (Doctoral dissertation, University of Missouri-Columbia). Dissertation Abstracts International 29 (8-B), 3077.
Cartwright, D., Grisham, J., and Weisz, G. A Contact-Level, Self-Report Approach to PAS. Unpublished manuscript.
Cartwright, J. L. (1969). Risk taking and the Personality Assessment System. In C. J. Krauskopf & K. G. Davis (Eds.), Studies of the normal personality. JSAS Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology, 3, 85. (Ms. No. 415)
Cassel, R. N., & Cassel, S. L. (1984). Critical differences between the Type-A prone and Type-B personalities. Education, 104, 84.
Chittick, R. A., Eldred, D. M., & Brooks, G. W. (1962). Secondary education in a state mental hospital, August 1959 through July 1962. Final Progress Report, NIMH, Special Profect Grant OM-372, Vermont State Hospital.
Chittick, R. A., Eldred, D. M. & Brooks, G. W. (1965). The use of programmed instruction with disturbed students June 1964 through May 1965. Second Progress Report, National Institute of Mental Health, USPHS Grant #MN-01076, Vermont State Hospital.
Chittick, R. A., Eldred, D. M., & Brooks, G. W. (1966). The use of programmed instruction with disturbed students, June 1963 through May 1966. Final Progress Report, NIMH, USPHS Grant #MN-01076, Vermont State Hospital.
Cohen, J. (Chm.). (1961, Sept.). Measurement of personality traits resulting from the interaction of abilities and environment. Symposium presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York.
Couchon, A. R. (1983). Approaches to the normal level. Personality Assessment Foundation Journal, 2, 2-13.
Davis, K. G. (1967, March). The relationship of PAS concepts to other existing psychological concepts. In T. Volsky (Chm.), Symposium on clients: A new approach based on abilities. Symposium presented at the meeting of the American Personnel and Guidance Association, Dallas.
Davis, K. G. (1969). Personality Assessment System reference groups. In C. J. Krauskopf & K. G. Davis (Eds.), Studies of the normal personality (pp. 41-48). JSAS Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology, 3, 85. (Ms. No. 415)
Davis, K. G. & Banning, J. H. (1969). The role of personality and attitude variables in programmed instruction. Final Report, USDE Bureau of Research, RMQ 66004.
DeClue, G. S. (1983). Patterns of intellectual functioning: Ability, personality and problem-solving style (Doctoral dissertation, University of Missouri-Columbia). Dissertation Abstracts International, 12, 3928B.
Dees, J. F. (1977). Gittinger’s PAS: An emperical analysis (Doctoral dissertation, University of Southern Mississippi). Dissertation Abstracts International, 38, 2358B.
Donahue, D., & Sattler, J. M. (1971). Personality variables affecting WAIS scores.Journal of Counseling and Clinical Psychology, 36, 441.
Downs, R. R. (1974). A personality assessment of college seniors majoring in mathematically related fields (Doctoral dissertation, Ball State University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 34, (SA, Pt. 1), 4735, 4736.
Dunst, L.W. (1980). An Investigation of the PAS. Unpublished master’s thesis, University of Missouri-Columbia.
DuVivivier, R.S. (1990). Impressionistic Models: A New Dimension for Learning.
DuVivier, R.S. (1990). A User's Guide to the Impressionistic Model System.
DuVivier, R.S. (1992). Diagnosis and Treatment in Education. Maryland: University Press of America.
Elliott, T. B. (1970) Intellectual abilities of suicidal Neuropsychiatric patients. Unpublished master’s thesis, University of Missouri-Columbia.
Frank, H. (1970). The interrelations among three personality systems. Dissertation Abstracts International, 30, 4547A-4548A. (University Microfilms No. 70-5845) (University of Colorado).
Frank, H., & Tubbs, R. (1973). Relationship of rod and frame test performance to the dimensions of the PAS. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 37, 747-752.
Gittinger, J.W. (1953). 13 patterns. Norman, OK: Author.
Gittinger, J.W. (1957). On female types and the social model of American women. Unpublished manuscript, Butler Health Center.
Gittinger, J.W. (1957). On Obsessive and Compulsive Behavior: Control or Acting Out. Unpublished manuscript, Butler Health Center.
Gittinger, J.W. (1958).The IRA personality. Washington, Dc: Author.
Gittinger, J.W. (1961). Personality descriptive system: Opus of variables considered separately. Washington: Psychological Assessment Associates.
Gittinger, J.W. (1964). Personality Assessment System: Primitive Types. Washington: Psychological Assessment Associates. (A)
Gittinger, J.W. (1964). Personality Assessment System: Vol. I. The E series. New York: Human Ecology Fund. (B)
Gittinger, J.W. (1964). Personality Assessment System: Vol II. The I series. New York: Human Ecology Fund. -c-
Gittinger, J.W. (1966). Scoring and Interpretive Nuances in the R-F Dimension. Unpublished manuscript.
Gittinger, J.W. (1967, March). Introduction to the Personality Assessment System. In T. Volshy (Chm), Symposium on clients: A new approach based on abilities. Symposium presented at meeting of the American Personnel and Guidance Association, Dallas.
Gittinger, J.W. (1982). Origins if the Personality Assessment System. Personality Assessment System Foundation Journal, 1, 13-28.
Gittinger, J.W. (1983). Description and interpretation of the XYZ variables. Personality Assessment Foundation Journal, 2, 20-47. (Edited by Robin Powers)
Gittinger, J.W. (1985). The sixty-four P.A.S. basic adjustments. Personality Assessment Foundation Journal, 3, 11-66. (Edited by John Winne)
Goldman, R. (1982). A visual representation of the Personality Assessment System as applied to family assessment. Personality Assessment Foundation Journal, 1, 30-33.
Goodnow, E.E. (1961, September). Analysis of differential abilities in the Chinese. In J. Cohen (Chm.), Measurement of personality traits resulting from the interaction of abilities and environment. Symposium presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York.
Goodnow, R.E. (1962). The Gittinger Theory of Personality. Unpublished manuscript.
Gray, G.V. (1975. An investigation of the personality characteristics if heroin addicts utilizing the Personality Assessment System of John W. Gittinger (Doctoral dissertation, George Washington University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 36, 5791B-5791B.
Gunberg, E.W., Jr. (1975). The relationship between Gittinger’s Personality Assessment System and Holland’s Vocational Preference Inventory. Unpublished master’s thesis, George Mason University, Virginia-Fairfax.
Harlan, T.A. (1975). A comparison of paranoid schizophrenics and schizo-affective depressed type schizophrenics utilizing Gittinger’s Personality Assessment System. Unpublished master’s thesis, North Texas State University.
Haronian, F., & Saunders, D.R. (1967). Some intellectual correlates of Physique: A review and a study. Journal of Psychological Studies, 15, 57-105.
Henrichs, T.F., Krauskopf, C.J. & Amolsh, T.J. (1982). Personality description of the WAIS: A comparison of systems. Journal of Personality Assessment, 46, 544-549.
Heyman, N.N. (1982) A brief explanation of the Personality Assessment System. Personality Assessment System Foundation Journal, 1, 7-10.
Heyman, M.N. (1983). Which normal level? Personality Assessment Foundation Journal, 2 14-19.
Heyman, M.N. (1984). A Study of Presidential Assassins. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, Vol. 2, 131-149.
Heyman M.N. (1985). The responsibility cluster: Some common and significant interactions. Personality Assessment System Foundation Journal, 3, 7-10.
Heyman, M.N., & Krauskopf, C.J. (1981) Some possibilities of a fourth dimension of the PAS. Paper presented to the PAS conference, Hyannisport, Ma.
Isenberg, S.J., & Bass, B.A. (1974) Effects of verbal and nonverbal reinforcement of the WAIS performance of normal adults. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 42, 467.
Jackson, J.O. (1987). Moderators in Social Behavior: An Examination of Three Self-Systems. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Missouri, Columbia.
Johnson, D.A. (1990). Using the Personality Assessment System to Predict Values. Paper presented to the PASF Conference, Columbus, OH.
Johnson, J.C. (1970, September). The relationship of Witkin’s field-dependence and field-independence to the PAS. In W. Anderson (Chm.), Practical problems in personality research. Symposium presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Miami Beach.
Johnson, J.C. (1971). A comparison of two personality systems: The PAS and Witkin’s field-dependence-field independence. Dissertation Abstracts International, 31, 6241B-6242B. (University Microfilms No. 71-3341).
Kapp, M. (1985). Practical application if the P.A.S.: Family systems. Personality Assessment System Foundation Journal, 3, 75-78.
Kennedy, G. (1977). An Analysis of the personality characteristics of adolescent offenders using the Personality Assessment System of John Gittinger. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Heed University, Florida.
Kinne, N.K.B. (1970). The relationship between personality variables and length of counseling. Unpublished dissertation, University of Colorado. (Ed.D. Thesis order No. 71-21-601)
Klinger, D.E. , & Saunders, D.R. (1975). A factor analysis of the items of nine subtests of the WAIS. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 10, 131-154.
Kobayashi, T. (1974). On the model of the PAS construction. Hiroshima Forum for Psychology, 1, 31-32.
Konar, A.H. (1985). Validation study with the WISC-R. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Missouri-Columbia.
Kraemer, E. (1970, April). The Externalizer-Internalizer Dimension of the PAS and the EEG. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Missouri - Columbia.
Krauskopf, C.J. (1970, September). The PAS system. In W. Anderson (Chm.), Practical problems in personality research. Symposium presented at the meeting if the American Psychological Association, Miami Beach.
Krauskopf, C. J. (1974). The Personality Assessment System. Hiroshima Forum for Psychology, 1, 25-30.
Krauskopf, C.J. (1982). Possibilities for a fourth Dimension. Personality Assessment System Foundation Journal, 1, 45-46.
Krauskopf, C.J. (1985). Validity and the Personality Assessment System since 1973. Personality Assessment System Foundation Journal, 3 2-6.
Krauskopf, C.J. & Bielefeld, M.O. (1981). The prediction of achievement in a senior level course. Academic Psychology Bulletin, 3, 245-249.
Krauskopf, C.J. & Davis, K.G. (1973). Studies in the normal personality. JSAS Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology, 3, 85. (Ms. No. 415).
Krauskopf, C.K. & Saunders, D. J. (1994). Personality and Ability: The Personality Assessment System. Maryland: University Press of America.
Krauskopf, C.K. & Saunders, D.J. (1995). Career Assessment with the Personality Assesment System.
Journal of Career Assessment, Vol. 3, No. 3, 241-257.Krauskopf, C.K. (1998). The Personality Assessment System: A Radical Hypothesis. Applied & Preventative Psychology 7:235-245. Cambridge University Press.
Kunce, J.T., Ryan, J.J. & Eckelman, C.C. (1976). Violent behavior and differential WAIS characteristics. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 44, 42-45.
Lanfield, E.S., & Saunders, D.R. (1961). Anxiety as “Effect of uncertainty”: An experiment illuminating the OA subtest of the WAIS. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 17, 238-241.
Lewison, T.S. (1969). Moglichkeiten der Handschriftananyse nach dem System PAS. Graphologishes Spektrum, 5-25 (dipa-Verlag Frankfurt/Main.
Lewison, T.S. (1971, October). A new application of graphology in the United States. Relationship between the Weschler Intelligence subtests and the Lewinson-Zubin handwriting scales. Translation of article in proceedings of Mainzer Kongress fur Graphologie, Zeitschrift Fur Menschenkunds. (HEFT I-1/1974) Wilhelm Braumuller, Wein-Stuttgart, 1-23.
Lund, R. D. (1968). Weschler subtest patterns and personality: An application of Gittinger’s Personality Assessment System to verbal activity, self descriptions and sociometric choices (Doctoral dissertation, University of Colorado). Dissertation Abstracts International, 29 3491B
Lyerly, S. B. (Chm.). 1964, September). Explorations in typology with special reference to psychotics. Symposium presented to the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles.
MacLachlan, R. F. (1982). Lure of the Lorelei: or some thoughts on teaching the PAS. Personality Assessment System Foundation Journal, 1, 35-41.
Malever, M. C. (1980). The relations of cognitive style to pain responses (Doctoral dissertation, University of Missouri-Columbia). Dissertation Abstracts International, 42(8-A), 3314.
Malon, J. V. (1972). The PAS study of delinquency and race. Dissertation Abstracts International, 32.5449B. (University Microfilms No. 72-10634) (University of Missouri-Columbia)
Marks, D. L., & Saunders, D. R. (1969). An analysis of personality patterns of women in selected professions. University of Colorado, Final Report, Grant # OEG-8-8-080026-2009 (057), Dept of HEW.
Matarazzo, J. D. (Ed.). (1972). Chapter 14, pp. 475-482, Wechsler’s measurement and appraisal of adult intelligence (5th ed.). Baltimore: Waverly Press.
Meyers, B. A. (1973). Personality characteristics of higher rated and lower rated policemen. Unpublished master’s thesis, University of Missouri-Columbia.
Moats, R. M. (1985). The Personality Assessment System as a conceptual framework for the Type A coronary-prone behavior pattern. Paper presented to the PASF Conference, Columbia, MO.
Mojonnier, T.G. (1971). A study of self-choices and the Personality Assessment System. Unpublished master’s thesis, University of Missouri-Columbia.
Mojonnier, T. G. (1975). The Personality Assessment System and reflective eye movement (Doctoral dissertation, University of Missouri-Columbia). Dissertation Abstracts International, 37 (4-B), 1917.
Mundy-Castle, A. C. (1960). Comments on Saunders’ “Further implications of Mundy-Castle’s correlations between EEG and Wechsler-Bellevue variables.” Journal of the National Institute for Personnel Research, 8, 102-105.
Nicholson, J. A. (1970). The WISC as a predictor of socioeconomic class and diagnostic differences in outpatient children at the Mid-Missouri Mental Health Center, Unpublished master’s thesis, University of Missouri-Columbia.
Novotny, R. W. (1974). A validation study of the A-U dimension of the Personality Assessment System: A discriminator of psychopathic tendencies (Doctoral dissertation, The American University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 35 (11-B), 5648.
Pasternak, W. (Ed.) (1963). Personality Assessment System: An Introduction. Washington, D.C.: Psychological Assessment Associates, p. 8.
Rhodes, D. A. (1963, Sept.). A theoretical framework for the investigation of personality structure and function. In W. N. Thetford (Chm.), Multitrait, multilevel personality assessment- Theory, measurement, evaluation. Symposium presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Philadelphia.
Rodd, W. G. (1982). PAS and the rehabilitation of the mentally retarded. Personality Assessment System Foundation Journal, 1, 29.
Rook, L.W., and Hall, T. Predicting WAIS Subtest Scores From Handwriting Measurements. Unpublished manuscript.
Saczynski, K. M. (1984). Exploring the utility of a WAIS based personality assessment system in a sample of male psychiatric inpatients (Doctoral dissertation, Cornell University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 44 (11-B), 3541-3542.
Saunders, D.R. Weschler subtest differences between prisoners and patients, with intelligence as a moderator variable. Mars Measurement Associates, P.O. Box 6396, Lawrenceville, N.J., 08648.
Saunders, D. R. (1959). An outline of Gittinger’s personality theory as applied to the Wechsler. Research Memorandum 59-3. Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service. (a)
Saunders, D. R. (1959). On the dimensionality of the WAIS battery for two groups of normal males. Psychological Reports, 5, 529-541. (b)
Saunders, D. R. (1960). A factor analysis of the Information and Arithmetic items of the WAIS. Psychological Reports, 6, 367-383. (a)
Saunders, D. R. (1960). A factor analysis of the Picture Completion items of the WAIS. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 16, 146-149. (b)
Saunders, D. R. (1960). Further implications of Mundy-Castle’s correlations between EEG and Wechsler-Bellevue variables. Journal of the National Institute of Personal Research, 8, 91-101.
Saunders, D. R. (1960). Psychological “distance” and the prediction of high level academic achievement. Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service. (D)
Saunders, D. R. (1961). Digit span and alpha frequency: A cross validation. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 17, 165-167.
Saunders, D. R. (1961, Sept.). Operational definition through factor analysis. In J. Cohen (Chm.), Measurement of personality traits resulting from the interaction of abilities and environment. Symposium presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York. (b)
Saunders, D. R. (1962). Factor analysis of Comprehension and Similarities from the WAIS. (Available from MARS Measurement Associates, P.O. Box 6396, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648)
Saunder, D. R. (1963, Sept.). Evidence for the relative primitivity of certain traits. In W. N. Thetford (Chm.), Multitrait, multilevel personality assessment-Theory, measurement, evaluation. Symposium presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Philadelphia.
Saunders, D. R. (1964). The factorial structure of the Kodama-WAIS for males. Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology, 12, 436-438. (a)
Saunders, D. R. (1964, Sept.). Some varieties of schizophrenia (preliminary report). Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles.
Saunders, D. R. (1967, March). Some conclusions drawn from research stimulated by the Personality Assessment System. In T. Volsky (Chm.), Symposium on clients: A new approach based on abilities. Symposium presented at the meeting of the American Personnel and Guidance Association, Dallas.
Saunders, D. R. (1969). The exaggerated dependency of the EFA* female: A WAIS/PAS reference group. (Available from MARS Measurement Associates, Lawrenceville, NJ)
Saunders, D. R. (1977). Lateral reflective eye movements and the PAS. Princeton, NJ.
Saunder, D. R. (1981). Sex differences in Wechsler subtest profiles as seen through the PAS. Psychological Reports, 48, 683-688.
Saunder, D. R. (1982). Canonical analysis of PAS and MBTI. Paper presented to PASF Conference, Princeton, NJ. (a)
Saunders, D. R. (1982). On Turner’s assessment of the PAS. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 38, 616-623. (b)
Saunders, D. R. (1982). Wechsler subtest differences between prisoners and patients with intelligence as a moderator variable. Psychological Reports, 50, 761-762.
Saunders, D. R. (1985). PAS Fourth Dimension Kit (2nd ed.). (Available from MARS Measurement Associates, P.O. Box, Lawrenceville, NJ 08686-0396, at $15 per kit). (a)
Saunders, D. R. (1985). The internal structure of a time estimation task. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 60, 618. (b)
Saunders, D. R. (1985, May). Reference groups, a view taking. (Available from MARS Measurement Associates, Lawerenceville, NJ)
Saunders, D. R. (1985). The MBTI and the PAS: Matching patterns to patterns. Patterns Assessment System Foundation Journal, 3, 67-74. (d)
Saunders, D. R., & Gittinger, J. W. (1968). Patterns of intellectual functioning and their importance for the dynamics of behaviors. In M. M. Katz & J. O. Cole (Eds.), The role and methodology of classification in psychiatry and psychopathology. Washington, DC: United States Public Health Service.
Saunders, D. R., & Schucman, H. (1962, Sept.) Syndrome analysis: An efficient procedure for isolating meaningful sub-groups in a non-random sample of a population. Paper presented at the Psychometric Society, St. Louis, Missouri.
Scanlon, S. (Ed.) (1985). The promise of the PAS. The Type Reporter, 1, 12-15.
Schaefer, S. L. (1972). Identification of process and reactive schizophrenics by an interaction model of schizophrenia. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Missouri-Columbia.
Schofield, L.F. (1970, May). Predictive Usefulness of the PAS with Handicapped Students in a Rehabilitation Setting. Unpublished manuscript.
Schofield, L. F., & Kunce, J. T. (1971). The WAIS Adaptability Scale and vocational behavior. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 1, 355-360.
Schoonover, S. M., & Winne, J. F. (1975). Diagnostic implications of WISC digit span scores. Psychological Reports, 36, 311-314.
Schowengerdt, G. C. (1968). A summary of the Personality Assessment System. Unpublished manuscript, University of Missouri-Columbia.
Schowengerdt, G. C. (1969). The relationship of student and instructor PAS type to student achievement in calculus (Doctoral dissertation University of Missouri-Columbia). Dissertation Abstracts International, 30 (11-B), 5228.
Schowengerdt, G. C. (1970, Sept). The relationship of student and instructor PAS type to student achievement in calculus. In W. Anderson (Chm.), Practical problems in personality research. Symposium presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Miami Beach.
Schucman, H. (1961, Sept.). Overt symptoms and theoretical categories in conversion hysterics. In J. Cothen (Chm.), Measurement of personality traits resulting from the interaction of abilities and environment (p. 103). Symposium presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York.
Schucman, H. (1963, Sept.). Differential modifications of inpatient groups. In W. N. Thetford (Chm.), Multitrait, multilevel personality assessment-Theory, measurement, evaluation. Symposium presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Philadelphia.
Schucman, H. (1964, Sept.). Personality features and adaption associated with somatic reactions to stress. In W. N. Therford (Chm.), Human ecology: Studies in social and personality adaption. Symposium presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles.
Schucman, H., Saunders, D. R., & Thetford, W. N. (1962, Sept.). An application of syndrome analysis to subjects with ulcerative colitis. Paper presented at APA, St. Louis.
Schucman, H., & Thetford, W. N. (1970). A comparison of personality traits in ulcerative colitis and migraine patients. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 76, 443-452.
Sell, J. M. (1971). A comparison of two personality theories: The Theory of Anxiety and Hysteria and the Personality Assessment System. Unpublished master’s thesis, University of Missouri-Columbia.
Shepanek, N. A. (1964). The human ecological problems of total social integration in the USSR.
Unpublished master’s thesis, Army War College.Smith, W. A. (1971). A study of the Personality Assessment System and its utility in the prediction of performance in a reading course. Dissection Abstracts International, 31, 5216A. (University Microfilms No. 71-08391) (University of Missouri-Columbia)
Soltz, W. H. (1970). Comparative study of Negro-White differences on the MMPI and WAIS (Doctoral dissertation, University of Missouri-Columbia). Dissection Abstracts International, 3(5-B), 3009.
Sturm, W. M. (1970). The relationships of the Personality Assessment System and the Drake Rhythm Test. Unpublished master’s thesis, University of Missouri-Columbia.
Tetrault, S. (1969). PAS description of chronic AWOL soldiers. In C. J. Krauskopf & K. G. Davis (Eds.), Studies of the normal personality (pp.81-84). JSAS Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology, 3, 85. (Ms. No. 415)
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Thetford, W. N. (Chm.). (1964, Sept.). Human ecology: Studies in social and personality adaptation. Symposium presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles.
Thetford, W. N., & Schucman, H. (1962). The personality theory of John Gittinger. New York: Human Ecology Fund.
Thetford, W. N., & Schucman, H. (1968). Personality patterns in migraine and ulcerative colitis patients. Psychological Reports, 23, 1206.
Thetford, W. N., & Schucman, H. (1969). Self-choices, preferences, and personality traits. Psychological Reports, 25, 659-667.
Thetford, W. N., & Schucman, H. (1970). Conversion reactions and personality traits. Psychological Reports, 27, 1005-1006.
Thetford, W. N., & Schucman, H. (1972). Personality traits in adolescent adjustment reactions. Psychological Reports, 31, 591-598.
Turner, R. G., Willerman, L., & Horn, J. M. (1976). A test of some predictions from the PAS. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 32, 631-643.
Wagner, R. F. (1967). An explanation of Gittinger’s Internalizer dimension by factor analysis based upon related personality measures. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, George Washington University.
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White, R. S. (1982). Appalachian Ohio personal development training program. Personality Assessment System Foundation Journal, 1, 34.
Willis, C. G. (1969). PAS patterns of mathematics students. In C. J. Krauskopf & K. G. Davis (Eds.), Studies in the normal personality (pp. 49-57). JSAS Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology, 3 85. (Ms. No. 415)
Winne, J. F. (Ed.). (1966). A summary of the Personality Assessment System. Washington: Psychology Assessment Associates.
Winne, J.F. (1969). An Assessment of Korean Personality. Unpublished manuscript.
Winne, J. F., & Schoonover, S. M. (1972). Diagnostic implications of WISC scores: A reanalysis. Psychological Reports, 30, 823-838.
Winne, J. F., & Gittinger, J. W. (1973). An introduction to the Personality Assessment System. Journal of Clinical Psychology, Monograph Supplement, No. 38. (Now Archives of the Behavioral Sciences)
Winne, J. F. (1974). Test-retest reliability of the Wechsler battery as a measure of PAS dimensions. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 30, 335-341.
Winne, J. F., & Schoonover, S. M. (1976). Diagnostic utility of WISC digits forward and backward. Psychology Reports, 39, 264-266.
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Winne, J.F. The factor structure of the WAIS: A review of Saunders' work. Unpublished manuscript.
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York, R. H. (1961, March). Factor associated with success of prediction of behavior in drug experiments. Paper presented at Rhode Island Psychology Association.
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York, R. H. (1978, Aug.). The practice and ethics of a psychologist working for the CIA. Panel presented at the APA Convention, Toronto.
York, R. H. (1982). A developmental history of the Personality Assessment System Foundation. Personality Assessment System Foundation Journal, 1, 3-6.
York, R. H., Salvator, S., & Rapperport, A. (1954). The predictive potential of Gittinger’s theory. Unpublished manuscript, Massachusetts Mental Health Center.