PASF Members Area
This section of the web site contains content available only to authorized PASF members. This content includes interpretive materials and other information available to qualified individuals. If you are interested in becoming a PASF member, please click here for our membership page.
Index to the entire Web Site

Note: All audio and video on the site uses HTML5 and not flash. All up to date browsers support this format.
PAS Training Video and Audio training. Also major book on the PAS dimensions.

Administration and scoring of PAS(WB-G)/WAIS tests Forms and other aids to test administration including 4th dimension.

The Formula Calculator Automated system to determine PAS profiles from scores.
  • Determine PAS profile from scores.
  • Includes 4th dimension computation and analysis.
  • Hyper-linked "Atlas" of PAS profiles - can be automatically accessed from computed profiles. Atlas can be searched.
  • Ability to view the book of individual Factors or view its index.
  • List of keywords extracted from the 64 basic types.
  • Ability to upload a file of cases with WAIS scores, score them, and download a file with PAS profiles.
Interpreting PAS Profiles Resources for interpreting PAS Profiles. This includes charts, cartoons, papers, and two major books describing the PAS, "The Atlas" and "John Gittinger's Personality Assessment System".

Impressionistic Models Using PAS concepts to describe models of behavior. Also useful as quick descriptions of PAS profiles at the primitive, basic, and contact levels.
Research Resources Resources available to do research using the PAS. Also includes research papers. In some cases, what is provided are lists of documents which are in the Center for the History of Psychology or available from PASF. Included are selected pages from PhD theses (the full theses are housed at the Center for the History of Psychology).

PASF Journal Archives All articles from the PASF Journal
Multi-Instrument Analysis A Multi-Instrument Analysis of the PAS - an analysis using a sample data set with MBTI, WAIS, 16PF and more on the same subjects.
Indirect Assessment Possible approaches to indirect assessment - determining a PAS profile without a PAS test. The term "indirect assessment" includes both the cases where the examiner has access to the subject and does not. This page proposes methods which are under consideration but not validated as effective in all cases.

Reference Groups Extensive set of documents related to reference groups and the Rose.
Historical Information about the PAS Historical information about the development and use of the PAS.

Applications of the PAS This includes a variety of papers (and a transcript of an interview) on a variety of applications of the PAS.

List of all conference session videos from 2014 conference. Print Membership Renewal Form Members area news and information.

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